1. Bersyukur apabila mendapat nikmat;
02. Sabar apabila mendapat kesulitan;
03. Tawakal apabila mempunyai rencana / rancangan ;
04. Ikhlas dalam segala amal perbuatan;
05.. Jangan membiarkan hati larut dalam kesedihan;
06. Jangan menyesal atas sesuatu kegagalan;
07. Jangan putus asa dalam menghadapi kesulitan;
08. Jangan usil dengan kekayaan orang;
09. Jangan hasad dan iri atas kejayaan orang;
10. Jangan sombong kalau memperoleh kejayaan ;
11. Jangan tamak kepada harta;
12. Jangan terlalu menghendaki akan sesuatu kedudukan;
13. Jangan hancur karena kezaliman;
14. Jangan goyah karena fitnah;
15. Jangan berkeinginan terlalu tinggi yang melebihi kemampuan diri.
16. Jangan campuri harta dengan harta yang haram;
17. Jangan sakiti ayah dan ibu;
18. Jangan usir orang yang meminta-minta;
19. Jangan sakiti anak yatim;
20. Jauhkan diri dari dosa-dosa yang besar;
21. Jangan membiasakan diri melakukan dosa-dosa kecil;
22. Banyak berkunjung ke rumah Allah(masjid) ;
23. Lakukan solat dengan ikhlas dan khusyu;
24. Lakukan solat fardhu di awal waktu, berjamaah di masjid;
25. Biasakan shalat malam;
26. Perbanyak dzikir dan do'a kepada Allah;
27. Lakukan puasa wajib dan puasa sunat;
28. Sayangi dan santuni fakir miskin;
29. Jangan ada rasa takut kecuali hanya kepada Allah;
30. Jangan marah berlebih-lebihan;
31. Cintailah seseorang dengan tidak berlebih-lebihan;
32. Bersatulah karena Allah dan berpisahlah karena Allah;
33. Berlatihlah untuk banyak berfikir ;
34. Penuhi janji apabila telah diikrarkan dan mintalah maaf apabila karena sesuatu sebab tidak dapat dipenuhi;
35. Jangan mempunyai musuh, kecuali dengan iblis/syaitan;
36. Jangan percaya ramalan manusia;
37. Jangan terlampau takut miskin;
38. Hormatilah setiap orang;
39. Jangan terlampau takut kepada manusia;
40. Jangan sombong, takabur dan besar kepala;
41. Berlakulah adil dalam segala urusan;
42.. Biasakan istighfar dan taubat kepada Allah;
43. Bersihkan rumah dari patung-patung berhala;
44. Hiasi rumah dengan bacaan Al-Quran;
45. Perbanyakkan silaturrahim;
46. Tutup aurat sesuai dengan petunjuk Islam;
47. Bicaralah secukupnya;
48. Beristeri/bersuami kalau sudah siap segala-galanya;
49. Hargai waktu, disiplin waktu dan manfaatkan waktu;
50.. Biasakan hidup bersih, tertib dan teratur;
51. Jauhkan diri dari penyakit-penyakit bathin;
52. Sediakan waktu untuk santai dengan keluarga;
53. Makanlah secukupnya, tidak kekurangan dan tidak berlebihan;
54. Hormatilah kepada guru dan ulama;
55. Sering-sering bershalawat kepada nabi;
56. Cintai keluarga Nabi saw;
57. Jangan terlalu banyak hutang;
58. Jangan terlampau mudah berjanji;
59. Selalu ingat akan saat kematian dan sedar bahawa kehidupan dunia adalah kehidupan sementara;
60. Jauhkan diri dari perbuatan-perbuatan yang tidak bermanfaat seperti bercakap-cakap yang tidak berguna;
61. Bergaullah dengan orang-orang soleh;
62. Sering bangun di penghujung malam, berdoa dan beristighfar;
63. Lakukan ibadah haji dan umrah apabila sudah mampu;
64. Maafkan orang lain yang berbuat salah kepada kita;
65. Jangan dendam dan jangan ada keinginan membalas kejahatan dengan kejahatan lagi;
66. Jangan membenci seseorang karena pahaman dan pendiriannya;
67. Jangan benci kepada orang yang membenci kita;
68. Berlatih untuk berterus terang dalam menentukan sesuatu pilihan
69. Ringankan beban orang lain dan tolonglah mereka yang mendapatkan kesulitan.
70. Jangan melukai hati orang lain;
71. Jangan membiasakan berkata dusta;
72. Berlakulah adil, walaupun kita sendiri akan mendapatkan kerugian;
73. Jagalah amanah dengan penuh tanggung jawab;
74. Laksanakan segala tugas dengan penuh keikhlasan dan kesungguhan;
75. Hormati orang lain yang lebih tua dari kita
76. Jangan membuka aib orang lain;
77. Lihatlah orang yang lebih miskin daripada kita, lihat pula orang yang lebih berjaya dari kita;
78. Ambilah pelajaran dari pengalaman orang-orang arif dan bijaksana;
79. Sediakan waktu untuk merenung apa-apa yang sudah dilakukan;
80. Jangan sedih karena miskin dan jangan sombong karena kaya;
81. Jadilah manusia yang selalu bermanfaat untuk agama, bangsa dan negara;
82. Kenali kekurangan diri dan kenali pula kelebihan orang lain;
83. Jangan membuat orang lain menderita dan sengsara;
84. Berkatalah yang baik-baik atau tidak berkata apa-apa;
85. Hargai kejayaan dan pemberian orang;
86. Jangan habiskan waktu untuk sekedar hiburan dan kesenangan;
87. Akrablah dengan setiap orang, walaupun yang bersangkutan tidak menyenangkan.
88. Sediakan waktu untuk berolahraga yang sesuai dengan norma-norma agama dan kemamapuan diri kita;
89. Jangan berbuat sesuatu yang menyebabkan jasmani atau fikiran kita menjadi terganggu;
90. Ikutilah nasihat orang-orang yang arif dan bijaksana;
91. Pandai-pandailah untuk melupakan kesalahan orang dan pandai-pandailah untuk melupakan jasa kita;
92. Jangan berbuat sesuatu yang menyebabkan orang lain terganggu dan jangan berkata sesuatu yang dapat menyebabkan orang lain terhina;
93. Jangan cepat percaya kepada berita jelek yang menyangkut teman kita sebelum dipastikan kebenarannya;
94. Jangan menunda-nunda pelaksanaan tugas dan kewajiban;
95. Sambutlah huluran tangan setiap orang (pastikan aurat) dengan penuh keakraban dan keramahan dan tidak berlebihan;
96.. Jangan memaksa diri untuk melakukan sesuatu yang diluar kemampuan diri;
97. Waspadalah akan setiap ujian, cobaan, godaan dan tentangan. Jangan lari dari kenyataan kehidupan;
98. Yakinlah bahwa setiap kebajikan akan melahirkan kebaikan dan setiap kejahatan akan melahirkan kerosakan;
99. Jangan berjaya di atas penderitaan orang dan jangan kaya dengan memiskinkan orang.& Lastlyno.
Allah's love is unconditional, today, tomorrow and always. May Allah bless you everyday.Ameen
This Blog Only My Personal Picture Album. My Own Story, Hobbies, Family, Friends, What i Collect, and Just for My Inspiration, my knowledge.. and my future plan.
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
Sunday, August 9, 2009
Selangkah ke Tanah Seberang



p!p! dia orang ada cop mohor...
Percaya atau tak... hari merdeka pada 17 augustus nanti...depa akan berjalan dan berbaris sejauh 40km...wooooooow..... cannot imaging lor
Ini teringin bangat nak jadi pak supir... heheehe tak dapat jadi... berphoto sama2 kenderaan pak supir pun jadi lah...
En. Alias n En. Reezal... di Nodarap hotel...dekat dengan Jln. Nusantara...tempat membeli belah..
Mr. Ameer.... one of my best friend since primary school.. he follow me also this time, atleast he can company me...because all my "rombongan" with their spouse....




note: sorry cant take more picture...because i dun have i just use my htc phone to take hard take picture with that... need wait untill 15 second to stable my snaping pic.. so sad
cewek Riau
Atas permintaan ramai....yang hendak ini di upload aku pun lah uploadkan gambar di mana cewek di mana tempat kami belanja....
cewek ni..nama nya Murni... sedang tawar menawar belanja... sama2 mr.Reezal dan mr. Ameer... ini gambar saja2 posing, dan baju yang di pakai yang nak di beli nye....
apa entah nama pekan ni...lupa lah... tak lah besar sangat... tapi capek juga mundir nya... tp capek lagi poket ku ini... sempat lah beli jeans, buat bekalan hari raya...

apa entah nama pekan ni...lupa lah... tak lah besar sangat... tapi capek juga mundir nya... tp capek lagi poket ku ini... sempat lah beli jeans, buat bekalan hari raya...
Tuesday, August 4, 2009
Saturday, August 1, 2009
Extraordinary People

This Korean super-genius was born in 1962 and might just be the smartest guy alive today (he's recognized by the Guinness Book of World R ecords as having the highest IQ of anyone on the planet).. By the age of four he was already able to read in Japanese, Korean, German, and English. At his fifth birthday, he solved complicated differential and integral calculus problems. Later, on Japanese television, he demonstrated his proficiency in Chinese, Spanish, Vietnamese, Tagalog, German, English, Japanese, and Korean. Kim was listed in the Guinness Book of World R ecords under "Highest IQ"; the book estimated the boy's score at over 210.
Kim was a guest student of physics at Hanyang University from the age of 3 until he was 6. At the age of 7 he was invited to America by NASA. He finished his university studies, eventually getting a Ph.D. in physics at Colorado State University before he was 15. In 1974, during his university studies, he began his research work at NASA and continued this work until his return to Korea in 1978 where he decided to switch from physics to civil engineering and eventually received a doctorate in that field. Kim was offered the chance to study at the most prestigious universities in Korea , but instead chose to attend a provincial university. As of 2007 he also serves as adjunct faculty at Chungbuk National University .
Born in 1990, Gregory Smith could read at age two and had enrolled in university at 10. But “genius” is only one half of the Greg Smith story. When not voraciously learning, this young man travels the globe as a peace and children’s rights activist.
He is the founder of International Youth Advocates, an organization that promotes principles of peace and understanding among young people throughout the world. He has met with Bill Clinton and Mikhail Gorbachev and spoke in front of the UN. For these and other humanitarian and advocacy efforts, Smith has been nominated four times for a Nobel Peace Prize. His latest achievement? He just got his driver license.
He is the founder of International Youth Advocates, an organization that promotes principles of peace and understanding among young people throughout the world. He has met with Bill Clinton and Mikhail Gorbachev and spoke in front of the UN. For these and other humanitarian and advocacy efforts, Smith has been nominated four times for a Nobel Peace Prize. His latest achievement? He just got his driver license.
Akrit Jaswal is a young Indian who has been called "the world's smartest boy" and it's easy to see why. His IQ is 146 and is considered the smartest person his age in India —a country of more than a billion people.
Akrit came to public attention when in 2000 he performed his first medical procedure at his family home. He was seven. His patient — a local girl who could not afford a doctor — was eight. Her hand had been burnt in a fire, causing her fingers to close into a tight fist that wouldn't open. Akrit had no formal medical training and no experience of surgery, yet he managed to free her fingers and she was able to use her hand again.
He focused his phenomenal intelligence on medicine and at the age of twelve he claimed to be on the verge of discovering a cure for cancer. He is now studying for a science degree at Chandigarh College and is the youngest student ever accepted by an Indian University
Akrit came to public attention when in 2000 he performed his first medical procedure at his family home. He was seven. His patient — a local girl who could not afford a doctor — was eight. Her hand had been burnt in a fire, causing her fingers to close into a tight fist that wouldn't open. Akrit had no formal medical training and no experience of surgery, yet he managed to free her fingers and she was able to use her hand again.
He focused his phenomenal intelligence on medicine and at the age of twelve he claimed to be on the verge of discovering a cure for cancer. He is now studying for a science degree at Chandigarh College and is the youngest student ever accepted by an Indian University
Clepotra was born October 6, 2002 in Chisinau , Moldova and is the daughter of Moldovan- R omanian singer, Pavel Stratan. She is the youngest person ever to score commercial success as a singer, with her 2006 album La vârsta de trei ani ("At the age of 3"). She holds the record for being the youngest artist that performed live for two hours in front of a large audience, the highest paid young artist, the youngest artist to receive an MTV award and the youngest artist to score a #1 hit in a country ("Ghita" in R omanian Singles Chart).
The abstract paintings of emerging artist Aelita Andre have people in Australia 's art world talking. Aelita is two (the works were painted when she was even younger).
Aelita got an opportunity to show her paintings when Mark Jamieson, the director of Brunswick Street Gallery in Melbourne 's Fitzroy, was asked by a photographer whose work he represented to consider the work of another artist. Jamieson liked what he saw and agreed to include it in a group show.
Jamieson then started to promote the show, printing glossy invitations and placing ads in the magazines Art Almanac and Art Collector, featuring the abstract work. Only then did he discover a crucial fact about the new artist: Aelita Andre is Kalashnikova's daughter, and was just 22 months old. Jamieson was shocked and embarrassed but decided to proceed with the exhibition anyways.
Aelita got an opportunity to show her paintings when Mark Jamieson, the director of Brunswick Street Gallery in Melbourne 's Fitzroy, was asked by a photographer whose work he represented to consider the work of another artist. Jamieson liked what he saw and agreed to include it in a group show.
Jamieson then started to promote the show, printing glossy invitations and placing ads in the magazines Art Almanac and Art Collector, featuring the abstract work. Only then did he discover a crucial fact about the new artist: Aelita Andre is Kalashnikova's daughter, and was just 22 months old. Jamieson was shocked and embarrassed but decided to proceed with the exhibition anyways.

A rabbi's son, Saul Aaron Kripke was born in New York and grew up in Omaha in 1940. By all accounts he was a true prodigy. In the fourth grade he discovered algebra, and by the end of grammar school he had mastered geometry and calculus and taken up philosophy. While still a teenager he wrote a series of papers that eventually transformed the study of modal logic. One of them earned a letter from the math department at Harvard, which hoped he would apply for a job until he wrote back and declined, explaining, "My mother said that I should finish high school and go to college first". After finishing high school, the college he eventually chose was Harvard.
Kripke was awarded the Schock Prize, philosophy's equivalent of the Nobel. Nowadays, he is thought to be the world's greatest living philosopher
24 year-old Michael Kearney became known as the world's youngest college graduate at the age of 10. In 2008, Kearney earned $1,000,000 on the television game show Who Wants to be a Millionaire?
Kearny was born in 1984 and is was known for setting several world records and teaching college at the age of 17.
He spoke his first words at four months. At the age of six months, he said to his pediatrician "I have a left ear infection" and learned to read at the age of ten months. When Michael was four, he was given diagnostic tests for the Johns Hopkins precocious math program and achieved a perfect score. He finished high school at age 6, enrolled at Santa R osa Junior College graduating at 10 with an Associate of Science in Geology.. He is listed in the Guinness Book as the world's youngest university graduate at the age of 10, receiving a bachelor's degree in anthropology. For a while, he also held the record for the world's youngest postgraduate.
But in 2006, he became worldwide famous after reaching the finals on the Mark Burnett/AOL quiz/puzzle game Gold R ush, and became the first $1 million winner in the online reality game
Kearny was born in 1984 and is was known for setting several world records and teaching college at the age of 17.
He spoke his first words at four months. At the age of six months, he said to his pediatrician "I have a left ear infection" and learned to read at the age of ten months. When Michael was four, he was given diagnostic tests for the Johns Hopkins precocious math program and achieved a perfect score. He finished high school at age 6, enrolled at Santa R osa Junior College graduating at 10 with an Associate of Science in Geology.. He is listed in the Guinness Book as the world's youngest university graduate at the age of 10, receiving a bachelor's degree in anthropology. For a while, he also held the record for the world's youngest postgraduate.
But in 2006, he became worldwide famous after reaching the finals on the Mark Burnett/AOL quiz/puzzle game Gold R ush, and became the first $1 million winner in the online reality game
Fabulous Fabiano is a 16-year-old chess Grandmaster and chess prodigy with dual citizenship of Italy and the United States .
On 2007 Caruana became a Grandmaster at the age of 14 years, 11 months, 20 days - the youngest Grandmaster in the history of both Italy and the United States . In the April 2009 FIDE list, he has an Elo rating of 2649, making him the world's highest ranked player under the age of 18.
On 2007 Caruana became a Grandmaster at the age of 14 years, 11 months, 20 days - the youngest Grandmaster in the history of both Italy and the United States . In the April 2009 FIDE list, he has an Elo rating of 2649, making him the world's highest ranked player under the age of 18.
William Joseph Mosconi, nicknamed "Mr. Pocket Billiards" was a American professional pocket billiards (pool) player from Philadelphia , Pennsylvania . Willie's father owned a pool hall where he wasn’t allowed to play, but Willie improvised by practicing with small potatoes from his mother's kitchen and an old broomstick. His father soon realized that his son was a child prodigy began advertising challenge matches, and though Willie had to stand on a box in order to reach the table, he beat experienced players many years his senior.
In 1919, an exhibition match was arranged between six-year old Willie and the reigning World Champion, R alph Greenleaf. The hall was packed, and though Greenleaf won that match, Willie played very well launching his career in professional billiards. In 1924, at the tender age of eleven, Willie was the juvenile straight pool champion and was regularly holding trick shot exhibitions.
Between the years of 1941 and 1957, he won the BCA World Championship of pool an unmatched fifteen times. Mosconi pioneered and employed numerous trick shots, set many records, and helped to popularize the game of billiards. He still holds the officially recognized straight pool high run record of 526 consecutive balls.
In 1919, an exhibition match was arranged between six-year old Willie and the reigning World Champion, R alph Greenleaf. The hall was packed, and though Greenleaf won that match, Willie played very well launching his career in professional billiards. In 1924, at the tender age of eleven, Willie was the juvenile straight pool champion and was regularly holding trick shot exhibitions.
Between the years of 1941 and 1957, he won the BCA World Championship of pool an unmatched fifteen times. Mosconi pioneered and employed numerous trick shots, set many records, and helped to popularize the game of billiards. He still holds the officially recognized straight pool high run record of 526 consecutive balls.
Her local radio station gave her the job after she rang and offered advice to a woman caller who had been dumped. Elaina’s tip — go bowling with pals and drink a mug of milk — was so good she got a weekly slot and now advises thousands of adult listeners. The littler adviser tackles problems ranging from how to dump boyfriends and how to cope with relationship breakdown to dealing with smelly brothers.
When one listener wrote to Elaina asking how to get a man, she replied: "Shake your booty on the dance floor and listen to High School Musical". Another caller asked how to get her man back, Elaina told her: "He's not worth the heartache. Life's too short to be upset with a boy."
When one listener wrote to Elaina asking how to get a man, she replied: "Shake your booty on the dance floor and listen to High School Musical". Another caller asked how to get her man back, Elaina told her: "He's not worth the heartache. Life's too short to be upset with a boy."
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